Being in the throws of addiction feels like being locked in a cold, dark dungeon with no way to escape. The floor where you sit is made of stone, the walls are damp, and though you can’t see a way out, the bugs and the rats can always find a way in. Instead of bread and water, your rations are your drug of choice, and you can’t give it up because its all you have to live on. You are hyper aware of time- the days and nights all run together and fly by, yet every minute feels like an eternity as you wait for a rescue that isn’t coming. It all seems entirely hopeless until you realize that you aren’t in a dungeon, you are in a maze. There is a way out, if you care enough about your own life to seek it. The harder you search, the more you will find seasoned addicts who know the way and are reaching out their hands eagerly to help you. This is just one story of found recovery, but hopefully my successes and my failures can assist other addicts in finding a way to sobriety that works for them. We do recover, if we seek recovery.